About Core Metrics

Franklin Neubauer of Core Metrics has fifteen years’ experience in energy markets, having worked in energy resource planning, energy modeling for electric utilities, economic analysis and commodity trading. Past work utilized planning and forecasting models to project consequences of energy efficiency (EE) policies for 20 years or longer, and to manage portfolios on a daily basis. Recent projects included external reviews of energy efficiency plans, typically from a state or utility, in order to provide the quality assurance that people need to assess such complex reports. Additional experience includes statistical research to support evaluation (EM&V), investment research, software development and proposal development.

In New Jersey this year, transitioning to the utility of the future is a major challenge for state agencies, electric and gas utilities and many stakeholder groups. New Jersey’s energy efficiency programs have a unique history, with primary responsibility now shifting from the state’s Clean Energy Program to individual utilities. Implementing EE provisions of the 2018 Clean Energy Act requires outside expertise, and implementation is happening in an environment in which routine research was neglected due to funding cuts. Energy efficiency provisions need to work well together to support ambitious energy savings targets. Utilities would benefit from a thorough understanding of research and presentations that will be made by consultants chosen by the Board of Public Utilities, allowing them to respond appropriately and shape eventual BPU decisions on how to implement provisions of the Act. Other stakeholder groups will also want to make informed recommendations as EE planning moves forward.


Core Metrics offers advisory services to utilities in need of a clearer picture of how regulatory changes will impact their businesses. Changes to cost-effectiveness methods and fundamental uncertainty over demand forecasts are two instances where utilities need to anticipate the scope of coming changes and identify steps to protect their business interests. In other cases where senior management has already decided to pursue a particular response to new regulation, Core Metrics can provide flexible technical support.

Other stakeholders may want to review specific proposals or the Murphy Administration’s draft plan for feasibility, logical consistency and reliance on reasonable assumptions. Typically, untrained reviewers are not able to judge state energy plans on that basis. Core Metrics evaluated the EE portion of each previous Energy Master Plan update in New Jersey since 2011.

Services provided in prior work are listed elsewhere on this site. Your inquiries are always welcome.